PetLife Probiotic Health Powder

PetLife Probiotic Health Powder
4.2 oz (120 grams)
Non-GMO ingredients
Does not include gluten
Recommended Use: Give 1/2 teaspoon (approx 2.5 grams) per day, to as directed by your veterinarian.
Refrigeration is recommended and will ensure maximum potency and shelf life. Organism potency will decrease slowly, this process may be accelerated through exposure to heat, humidity or direct sunlight.
PetLife is once more taking advantage of the latest advancements in scientific technology. Our new Probiotic Health Powder has gone from 4 good but standard strains to 6 much more stable and viable strains - carefully selected to be acid tolerant and provide excellent adherence to the gut wall. These 6 strains represent the most necessary, stable and best-researched bacteria known today. We now provide 20 billion live organisms per half teaspoon.